Small production units ready for use and complete with all the necessary machinery. Marco Malavasi, owner of the manufacturer Unimeat: “A solution that allows you to lighten the weight of bureaucracy”.
The economic crisis has forced many companies, including the food sector, to review their needs, reducing costs without losing the quality of their products. A solution to this problem, common to many small and medium-sized Italian companies, has been proposed, with some success, by Unimeat, a company from Modena that has been involved in the design and supply of machinery and complete plants for the slaughter of pork meat since 2006, bovine and ovine. These are innovative containers for meat processing, small production units that contain all the necessary equipment for slaughter and that only need to be connected to the electricity and sewerage to operate perfectly.
“We work with companies of different sizes, from agricultural ones to farmhouses to large industries – says to Eurocarne Post Marco Malavasi, owner of Unimeat -. But this particular product is currently our flagship. Its advantages for small businesses are two in particular: on the one hand, the bureaucratic documentation is lightened, as there is no need for a series of municipal authorisations to start work, and, although the production capacity is limited, have great functionality“.
The solution for the slaughter container comes from the know-how of a company that has successfully entered the meat processing systems market since its foundation. “Since 2006, the year in which the company was born – continues Malavasi – we had to change policy, and so we insisted on containers and on the assistance to plants that had to close and that were resold in foreign countries. I mean, we invested in used rather than new”.
An positioning, that of Unimeat, that has given its fruits, since the company has been able to assert itself as an important dowel in the Italian and international scene. “We are focusing a lot on Eastern Europe, while intensifying the initiatives with Africa– continues Malavasi -. We hope to complete these projects and above all that there is a recovery of the Italian domestic market, However, it remains the spearhead of our products for both pigs and cattle and sheep. Otherwise, we would be forced once again to review our corporate asset”.
Innovation is the leitmotif of this all-Italian success story. “We try to invent new products, because you can not live by slaughter alone”, comments the owner. Examples of this commitment are the service of supply of halls in metal structure with infill in isothermal panels for cold rooms, interior doors and exterior windows, cooling and air conditioning systems, In addition to the machinery for drying and curing sausages.
Source: Osservatorio Eurocarne